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  • steele1708

A bit of a thank you...

Today is World IBD day and I haven't blogged in a while so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to do a short blog to say thank you...

2 years ago I had never heard of Crohns or IBD and now it affects my life in every single way and the people who have supported me through it deserve the biggest thank yous I can ever give.

My family

When I first became ill I didn't want to talk about it and I kept it all to myself but you all knew, and you all supported me, and you all provided me with the love and kindness I needed - usually in a no nonsense way. Thank you for holding my hand as I cried in pain, thank you for taking me to my medical appointments, thank you for visiting me in hospital, thank you for adapting meals to suit my way of living, thank you for telling me when I am being ridiculous, thank you for putting on a brave face when I am sure at times you were scared, thank you for understanding my illness, thank you for washing my hair, thank you for literally being heroic, generous, uncomplaining and loving. Words will never even begin to express how grateful I am and how much I love you all.

My friends

You have all been so patient and kind in times when I haven't had the energy to make plans or I have I had to cancel at the last minute. Thank you for understanding that I wanted to but I just couldn't. Thank you for asking questions and being supportive, making me laugh when I felt like I could cry, always asking how I am and genuinely taking an interest. Your support is immeasurable and I am so thankful that I have you all in my life.

My healthcare team

They probably will never read this but to every single person involved in my healthcare, from my GP to my consultant to my surgeon to my IBD team to the district nurses to my infusion team, every healthcare assistant and cleaner - you have literally saved my life and I am so appreciative of all the care I have been given over the past (almost) 2 years! How lucky we are to have such a fantastic free healthcare system.

My colleagues

I've said it before and I will say it again, I am so lucky to work for a company that has supported me through a period of illness. My colleagues have been nothing but supportive, understanding when I have needed to take time off due to my illness or medical appointments and putting things in place so that (pre-covid)I felt comfortable in the office. You have all played a part in helping me deal with my illness and supporting me through a difficult time so thank you for that.

Everyone else

To everyone else I have met along the way, whether it was the brief conversation I have had with you whilst waiting for an appointment or the woman from the Council who approved my application for blue badge - you have all helped.

Whatever your role in my journey, even just reading this blog, you have had a part in my healing process. Without the support of other people I would not have been able to navigate this illness. Your kind gestures and words have uplifted me. Yes I have my bad days but the good days continue to outweigh them and whatever happens next I have to remember that it could be worse...I am alive and loved and for that I am so thankful. So until next time...L xx

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