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Welcome to Going my Crohn way

A blog about my battle with Crohn's, my health and stories to keep you (hopefully) entertained

Home: Welcome

Owning my Crohn’s

Well, we are halfway through the year and I know it’s been some time since I blogged but life has literally got in the way - for all the...

New Year, Old Me

HIYA!! Wow, it's been a minute and then some since I last blogged. It has been a crazy few months for me, I am not sure where 2021 went...

Rolling with the punches…

Hi lovely people Conscious I haven’t blogged for a while so whilst I sit in the hospital car park waiting for an appointment I thought I...

Reasons to be thankful...

It has been some months since I last blogged, sorry to my #goingmycrohnway fans (of which I am sure there is perhaps two) but to be...

Your questions, a VLOG

Here I am again, but this time it is a bit of a different blog experience in that I have answered your questions in a Vlog. That's right,...

A bit of a thank you...

Today is World IBD day and I haven't blogged in a while so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to do a short blog to say thank...

When life gives you lemons...

I feel like today is a good day to do a short blog to discuss how things can quickly change with Crohns. I was feeling so positive in my...

Let's talk sh*t

It has been a few days since I last blogged. Not much to report on the life front, plodding along and keeping out of mischief as best as...

A day in the life of…

A lot of people don’t really understand how Crohn’s can affect your daily life which can impact on all aspects of your health. I had a...

They say always trust your gut...

Hi, for those that don't know me, I'm Lucy. I'm 31 years young and in January 2020 I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. If you want to...

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