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  • steele1708

Owning my Crohn’s

Well, we are halfway through the year and I know it’s been some time since I blogged but life has literally got in the way - for all the right reasons. I wanted to write a quick blog as I’m sat in my car, having turned up to my eye test an hour early (doh!), thinking how much the positivity of those closest to me has got me where I am today and to a point where I own my Crohn’s.

I remember sitting in my car with my sister following my official diagnosis in January 2020 trying to hold it together, a mixture of relief and sadness that, whilst I knew what the problem was, the life I had taken for granted would likely not be the same. I had gone from a physically active, fit and healthy 30 year old to being hardly able to walk up the stairs in constant pain.

Since my operation in November 2019, my family and friends have remained a constant support and not one negative comment has been made. Don’t get me wrong, some days it has been hard to remain positive and I’d sit there thinking “why me” but even on my lowest days, those around me were there to make things seem better.

The truth is, whilst right now I am doing well, I don’t what will happen tomorrow. It could bring sickness or health but it isn’t something I try to focus on. I focus on the day, one day at a time and I take something good out of each one. I’m forever hopeful of a cure but with all the ups and downs of living with IBD all I know right now is that I need to live for today and to help others do the same. So to those of you suffering with any form of autoimmune disease - I know how you feel, I know there are days when it feels like the world is against you and I know there are times that you don’t want to get out of bed but remember that in each of those days there is always a positive.

Many times we have to roll with the punches and try to smile even when our illnesses decide to pop up unannounced at the most inappropriate times. But we need to celebrate all the wonderful aspects of life in between those hospital visits and days where you just can’t function. Enjoy the small things because you deserve to now more than ever.

I have Crohn’s, it will always be a part of me but it doesn’t define me and I am confident in who I am and what’s to come. I’m forever thankful to those who have held my hand along the way, and to those who I have no doubt will hold it going forwards.

So, to those of you suffering or feeling down, own your chronic illness, own every moment that brings you joy, and be the best version of yourselves because the world is a much better place for having you in it.

Until next time. L xx

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