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  • steele1708

When life gives you lemons...

I feel like today is a good day to do a short blog to discuss how things can quickly change with Crohns. I was feeling so positive in my last blog and, whilst I am still positive, I have been thrown a bit of a curve ball with my treatment.

My IBD nurses were concerned that, as my symptoms were still ongoing albeit better than they were, I was perhaps not retaining enough of my medication. They therefore asked me to provide another stool sample and checked my drug levels prior to my last infusion. My faecal calprotectin has returned at 2100 which is very high - a normal level in someone without IBD is 100 - showing there is inflammation within my small bowel. In addition, my drug levels have returned as low meaning I am not retaining it sufficiently to put me in remission.

This basically means that for my next 3 infusions I will be having double the dose of my drug and hoping that my body retains enough to reduce the inflammation and send me towards remission. If it doesn't, then there are other options to consider. As my sister said, if I am feeling this good when the medication isn't at it best imagine what I will feel like when it is!!

So I just wanted to write this little blog as I was feeling a little deflated but to say that no matter what gets thrown at you, when life gives you lemons make the damn lemonade and drink it up because each day is an absolute blessing! Until next time...L xx

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