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  • steele1708

Dare I say I feel like things are getting better...


Yes - I have to say I am feeling positive and that isn't just with regards my health. The weather is better (just ignoring the fact it is supposed to freeze again at weekend), restrictions are lifting and things generally seem a lot brighter. Even the fact I dropped a tupperware of chilli on my kitchen floor which exploded up to my ceiling, meaning I have had to mop my ceiling twice, hasn't dampened my spirit this week.

I had my 5th infusion on Monday - still suffering with symptoms so I am not 100% there yet and they are still monitoring my progress as to whether I stay on the same dose or if they need to double it. For those that don't know, every 8 weeks I go for my infusion of my Infliximab, the biologic drug that, along with azathioprine, I am hoping is going to put me into remission. It is a fairly simple straightforward process, I take myself to Rochdale infirmary and sit in a VERY depressing room on a SUPER comfy chair like so...

I'm then given a cannula, which I get worked up about despite the fact I have needles in my arm on a regular basis, and hooked up to my medication like so...

It takes around an hour, then I am given some fluids and then I can go home. Pretty simple really! Although it completely wipes me out. I am not sure if it is the medication or the anxiety/adrenaline but the afternoon is always spent snoozing on the couch and this time I had a little buddy keeping me company - my cat Albus who has become the neediest little pickle since his sisters were adopted a week or so ago.

And that's it really. The sunshine, the lighter evenings, the more energy I have and the feeling of hope in the world is all making me feel like things are getting better. It has been a tough year for us all but I can see light at the end of the tunnel. I am positive that my medication will send me into remission, I am positive that I will hit my target weight again, I am positive that good things are round the corner and I wanted to share that with you all! Today has also been made better by the fact my lovely neighbour has just delivered some homemade gluten and dairy free treats! Remember to keep smiling! Until next time...L xx

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